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Alps East is a niche IT recruitment agency aimed at connecting Austrian companies with great software engineers from around the world.

Relocation experts (visa, finding an apartment)

Sourcing experts in various countries

years on the market

+ developers relocated

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Top Candidates of Alps East
hether you’re looking for senior level developers or experienced QA engineers, we’re sure to know someone who’ll catch your attention.
Alps East helps us find extremely skilled and passionate software engineers that we can't find on the local market.

Alps East doesn't just dump resumes on us, but listens to our feedback and adapts their offerings.

Alps East is an agency that really understands IT.

Our goal was to hire at least one very good software developer. Alps East put in the extra mile and helped us hire two amazing ones.

Transparent pricing model
Pay per hire
Massively hiring

Proactive sourcing in the preferred locations

Tailored pre-selection (save your time for irrelevant profiles)

3 month guarantee period

Weekly reports
*Commission is calculated based on the yearly gross salary of your new hire.
Relocation cases